Nigerian Workers And Wage Crisis

Emeka Kanu
2 Min Read

The Nigerian Worker, dogged, resilient, dedicated, and laced with petals of ingenuity, has shown strength in the face of many work and welfare challenges.  The Nigerian Worker was completely summed in a 2008 commercial jingle by the National Orientation agency, where he is said to rise even before the cock crows, to work for the nation under the sun and in the rain. Farmers, drivers, teachers, factory workers, and all, contributing to the development of the nation.

However, the stout men/women feels repeatedly failed by the government as these committed obligations to the nations growth are not met with commensurate wages.

The wage crisis in Nigeria dates even to the colonial time, and each government has stepped in, not really solving this problem but soothing the wound with balm, giving it a sense of care while neglecting its cure.

Today, just like the Udoji and many other wage review committees created, we are at the table again seeking a review of the minimum earning of a Nigerian worker, a review that in itself will not solve the problem of the Nigerian Worker.

All workers are clamouring across the board for wage review and increase, with the federal government working to reach a middle point with labour leaders. To many, an increase in the minimum wage will reflect ease to livelihood, but we forgot this inflation.

With the review comes inflation, and just then, the scorpions of reality come again to sting.

It is a good call by the organised labour for wage review, but it would be more pertinent to call for reviews in certain economic policies that are already laying ambush waiting to frustrate whatever outcome the wage review will be.

The Nigerian Worker deserves not only an increased minimum wage but also an increased economic feasible society, where their is value for the minimum earned.

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