SHOCKING TRUTH REVEALED by Haj. Kalthoum Alumbe Jitami from Jigawa State [Audio & Translation] Audio translated by Comrade Tabara SK .

15 Min Read

This Audio is from Haj. Kalthoum Alumbe Jitami  from Jigawa State

She is saying: The push has come to shore, my address is directed at the Southern Kaduna people especially the Christian’s, we the entire hausa tribe regardless of religious differences or practices across the world hereby declare as follows and you are advised to verify:

1. We are hereby extending the olive branch of peace to you all regardless of your tribe or religion .

2. Please share this audio to all and sundry including its its translated versions in any  language of your choice.

3. Unless you purge yourselves of previous notions about and beliefs about the hausas and fulanis,  you will continue to work with misguided and misleading information about the hausa and fulani people

4. There is clear distinction between the Hausas and the fulanis.

5. Islam or any religion does not qualify you as belonging to any tribal group.

6. Islam is today 1444 years old, we are native  Indigenous Hausa people before the arrival of Islam. Amongst us today there are muslims, Christians and traditional worshippers. Religion and tribe are two distinct groups that must not be exchanged, interchanged or confused.

7. The marks of Hausa traditional institutions like the old relics of the city walls, pallaces  and Mosques of Zaria, kano and katsina; are clear evidences that the hausas were muslims before the arrival of the fulani in their communities.

8. All through before the Islam  in Hausa land and  before the arrival of the fulanis, for over 1000 years even as muslims the Hausa people have lived peacefully with other surrounding tribal neighbors without hostility of any sorts. The fulanis are only 218 years old in housa land and their claims to being Muslims.

9. The fulani have continued in their propaganda against Christians as enemies of muslims and their detractors . The hausas have risen severally in defense of the Christians against this campaign of calumny from the fulani. We expect that Christians should reciprocate this gesture by equally standing with the hausas regardless of their religion.

10. There is no record  of history of hostility any where between the Hausa tribe and any of her neighbors. Our peaceful and friendly nature accounts for why the hausa language is accepted and spoken by nearly every northern tribal group.

11. Terror leaders like Turji, Aleru and Dogo Gedi are all fulani.  These are the notorious terror kingpins in Nigeria today.  They kill Hausas in the mosques and Christians in their churches. They kidnap and butcher people indiscriminately .

12. In Zamfara State fulani met Hausa  people in a mosque and  opened fire on them, followed by slaughtering and maiming of anyone at sight. They kidnapped others and fled into the Bush with the captives.

13. In katsina state at venue of a new born baby naming ceremony   the fulani collected the baby and dropped the live child into the cooking pot of soup and forced the people at gun point, including parents of the child to eat the cooked flesh of the very child they assembled to celebrate.

14. A nine months old pregnant woman was kidnapped by the fulani and kept in custody until she delivered.  The husband was demanded to pay ransom: 5million Naira on the wife and 2million Naira on each of the twin babies she delivered. The husband paid the ransom only to be told that, the wife died as she watched her twin babies being eaten up by the fulani dogs. The husband got only his wife’s corpse to bury.

15. Learning from the lesson on item 14 above,  another Hausa woman hid her children in her food barn when fulani arrived their community. The fulani knowingly set the barn on fire and burnt the children alive.

16. In Sokoto 43 Hausa people including women and children who were loaded in a bus in a bid to escape the fulani onslaught were set ablaze in the vehicle by the fulani.

17. A child gushed out of a burning and bursted womb of a pregnant woman only for the fulani to smash the child with their feet while they laughed over it.

18. Since Buhari became President about 8 years ago now, about 3million hausa people have been killed.

Continuation from item no.17:

18. Mosques   churches, shrines, homes, personal belongings and all lives of hausa people are not spared  in the fulani rampaging destructions.

19. We are resolved to stand by you, resist and condemn every attack against you by the fulani. This we have been demonstrating for quite some time now but unfortunately you don’t come out to reciprocate our gesture. Some of you claim not to know the difference between Hausa and Fulani. This is quite worrisome.

20. Be informed that governors of: Zamfara,  kebbi, Kaduna, kano, Jigawa and katsina ; are all fulani.

21. Christian Hausa children are being denied citizenship of their states, school admissions, choice courses in schools, jobs and other entitlements of states’ citizens.

22. Thousands of Hausa villages and settlements are today desolate due to attacks from the fulani.

23. On a Saturday the fulani targeted a Pastor of a Hausa church but missed him and instead kidnapped 29 of his members.

25. The fulani have severally surrounded villages of both Hausa muslims and Christian communities and set them ablaze while those who tried fleeing were mowed down and killed.

26. Uthman Danfodio 218 years ago:  killed  our leaders, destroyed our mosques and traditional institutions. A repeat of that episode is what his Descendants are doing today.

27. You Christians are too timid to self expression that you don’t speak  up against the fulani.  Rather you take your complaints to European countries believed to be your fellow Christians. These people care less about Christianity and your efforts by going there is in vain. We hold the key and power to our emancipation because if we deny the fulani access to political power they are finished because  they use state resources to fight us, and we have the population. No European nation will do this for you. Otherwise they would have done it in Syria,  Yemen, Israel, Afghanistan,  Somalia, Iraq, Ukraine, etc. We the Hausas and other native Indigenous Nigerians alone hold the solutions to our problems not any foreign government abroad. On this project we have undertaken the lead right now.

28. Your greatest mistake is to sell the narrative to European countries that muslims are the ones killing you instead of saying it is the Fulani Descendants of Uthman Danfodio. Such mistake from you is all the enemy wants to get the Hausas and other muslims on the side of fulani to jointly continue killing you.

29. The Europeans don’t see you as anything better than slaves.  You should take pride in yourselves and see yourselves as native Indigenous people; the bonafide owners of the land called Nigeria, and strive to exercise your rights of ownership, and build your country in dignity.

30. Unlike the Christians that have an umbrella organization CAN that defends their interests; to which the fulani are wary about; we the hausas have no such  umbrella organization whatsoever.  We brave the odds to stand up to the fulanis and speak out  for ourselves.

31. Our humane disposition, accommodation and hospitality has been the source of our misfortune and undoing ever since the days of our ancestors, who welcomed and rehabilitated the fulanis from their rejections at other African countries. This led to the unfortunate birth of Uthman Danfodio in Hausa land who in turn paid good with evil by biting the fingers that fed him through acts of Brigandage and Banditry in the guise of Islamic jihad against Hausa people that hosted his parents. All this before the advent of Christianity in Hausa land. At this point all hausas were muslims.

32. Christianity and Islam came into being merely about 2,022 years and 1444 years ago respectively. Whereas we have lived earlier than them in peace, until these foreign religions were introduced to us, only for us to become enemies of each other. These religions ougth to have been the bedrock of our unity, peace and  harmony

 What an irony?

33. We have to close ranks and together put the fulani  in their  proper place and build for ourselves: peace, love and unity; for our  growth and developments.

34. Why are you afraid to call your real enemies by their name, is it because Buhari,  Elrufai(your governor), Pantami, Ibrahim Kaduna, etc are fulani? Why are you afraid? If we that accommodates the fulani can tell the world that fulani are the killers why can’t you do the same. Cowardice should have no place amongst you.

35. In the days of ignorance it never crossed my mind that fulani can be bandits or people who manipulate Islam to harm others.

36. All the ethno religious crises that erupted in Plateau,  Kaduna and other places were all instigated and given the cover of religion  by the fulani  just to curry the support of other muslims. To this extent we joined the fulani in killing others in the past. This is the moment of truth all of it  must be told. We the owners of the land with 30% population against  fulani’s 5%  are out and resolved  to make peace. No oppositions from the minority immigrant fulani can hinder this peace movement.

37. Henceforth there should be no religious or tribal differences, acrimony or discriminations amongst us the native Indigenous people of Nigeria. We should be each others keeper.

38. Before now it was difficult knowing who is fulani and who is not because the fulani mallams speak and dress like the hausas both in public and religious places.  The leaders  of the following  muslim sects: Derika, Shiite, Izala, Tijjaniya, etc are all fulani.  They are the ones that instigated all the ethno religious crises in Nigeria.  No Hausa native Imam is ever involved in the business of incitement to religious crises.

39. Today the fulani have tagged us as infidels that should be killed for holding contrary religious views from the ones they propagate. Personally I have been marked for elimination as an infidel.

40. Religious conflicts are now old fashioned and discarded. We should now jointly fight war against: hunger, illiteracy,  diseases, and other factors that hinder human development.

41. Politically we should vote based on competence not ethnicity or religion. And  native Indigenous people particularly should be voted into power.

42. The west is not keen on Christianity or any religion for that matter as today many of  their Churches have been sold and converted to Mosques and other public social places. Christians going to them to seek help over religious persecution is mere waste of time as they don’t give a shit about Christianity. They value life of their citizens no doubt about that but outside there citizens  is something else. Christians be ware. The same attitude apply with the Arabs. They don’t give a shit about us. Solution to your problem is not found abroad but at home. Let’s join hands together here and solve our problems together.

43. I recommend that this Audio be played in Churches especially and any public forum.

44. It is a shame that fulani an  immigrant minority tribe has successfully enslaved the entire Native People of Nigeria.

45. We have a duty to take back our country, a land abundantly blessed with all manner of human and material resources. We can make Nigeria great in global reckoning within a short period.

NB: This audio is translated by, Comrade Tabara SK .

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