On 27th of September which is today, AbaCityBlog is host a free registration youth empowerment conference, a programme tagged; #Foretaste Aba.
#FORETASTE ABA is a pre-conference of #Startupsouth entrepreneurship conference, (4th edition) which is scheduled to hold on 4th November, 2018. (Register Here: bit.ly/ss-foretaste)
Those attending will have the opportunity to learn more, especially, as the conference will focus on opportunities in Agriculture, Off-Grid Energy, Culture, Creative Arts/related Tech (Special emphasis on Virtual Reality) and Digital Payments.
Date: Thursday 27th September, 2018
Time: 10:am
Venue: Clintonel Innovation Centre (CIC)
7 Factory Road
By Eziukwu junction, Aba
(Left staircase, last floor),
To attend, please register Here: bit.ly/ss-foretaste